Siege of Orison Platform Maps

You can take the shuttle from the top of the Crusader Building to Solanki Platform. That is where the Siege of Orison event begins
Small-Medium-Large-Very Large ships
Event Location on Orison, No Triangulation Data available
Space Suite?
Location Description:
Siege of Orison, the biggest dynamic event in Star Citizen, will soon go live as Alpha 3.17.2 update was launched earlier today. This is probably the most action-packed event that Star Citizen has had since its launch. If you wonder how to begin or complete the Siege of Orison in Star Citizen, we have a step-by-step guide to share with you!
As the name implies, Siege of Orison is set in the city of Orison in Crusader, which has turned into a no-fly zone after the invasion of Nine Tails rebellions. Your ultimate mission is to clear out the city from the hostile forces and disable the no-fly zone by getting access to the IFFI system.

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