May 8, 2021
Make sure you forgive all crimes caused during the Operation. The Com-Array in the area will be disabled, but better be safe than sorry.

Time & Rally Point
5/8/21, 6:00 PM
Port Tressler | MicroTech
About the event
This will be an ORG vs ORG event. Hosted on a Discord- ORG neutral server.
- Missiles up to size 4
- Boarding
- Ship sizes up to Connie/MSR
- Ramming and spawn-camping
- Ballistic ship weapons
- Ships and vehicles shooting at ground troops
- Torpedos (size 5 and up)
- Grenade Launchers
STAGE 1: Smash and Grab
- The attackers need to get past the Carrack escorts and kill the Carrack.
- The defenders need to defend the Carrack until it reaches the destination.
- Unlimited respawns for both sides.
- The respawn station will be Port Tressler.
- Defenders start at Rayari Kaltag Research Outpost at Calliope.
- Attackers need to disable Calliope’s Comms Array prior to the assault.
- The destination is Shubin Mining Facility SPMCa-8 (181.2km) and the Carrack needs to fly at 75m/s, at a maximum height of 1000m. The duration of the flight is ~40 minutes.
- The defenders start moving out once the attackers have made radar contact.
- The Carrack MUST have 2 Ward shield generators equipped.
- Outcome 1: The attackers successfully managed to take down the Carrack (if it’s destroyed, a replacement Carrack will try to salvage the data). Prepare for boarding.
- Outcome 2: The defenders managed to get the Mining Facility and are now preparing to defend the Carrack from the attackers.
STAGE 2: All-In
- The attackers must take control of the bridge of the Carrack
- The defenders need to defend the Carrack until the timer runs out and all attackers are killed
- Both teams will bring ICU capable ships and set up a base 3km away from the Carrack.
- If Stage 1 ends with Outcome 2 the defenders can set up in the Carrack before the timer starts.
- The time limit is 40 minutes and after that the side who kills all hostiles or holds the bridge for 5 minutes wins.
- Both sides have unlimited respawns until the 40-minute timer is over
- A Pisces can be used as a drop-ship for both sides and ground vehicles are allowed
- No ship combat during Stage 2.
This will be an ORG vs ORG event. Hosted on a Discord- ORG neutral server.
Missiles up to size 4
Ship sizes up to Connie/MSR
Ramming and spawn-camping
Ballistic ship weapons
Ships and vehicles shooting at ground troops
Torpedos (size 5 and up)
Grenade Launchers
STAGE 1: Smash and Grab
The attackers need to get past the Carrack escorts and kill the Carrack.
The defenders need to defend the Carrack until it reaches the destination.
Unlimited respawns for both sides.
The respawn station will be Port Tressler.
Defenders start at Rayari Kaltag Research Outpost at Calliope.
Attackers need to disable Calliope’s Comms Array prior to the assault.
The destination is Shubin Mining Facility SPMCa-8 (181.2km) and the Carrack needs to fly at 75m/s, at a maximum height of 1000m. The duration of the flight is ~40 minutes.
The defenders start moving out once the attackers have made radar contact.
The Carrack MUST have 2 Ward shield generators equipped.
Outcome 1: The attackers successfully managed to take down the Carrack (if it’s destroyed, a replacement Carrack will try to salvage the data). Prepare for boarding.
Outcome 2: The defenders managed to get the Mining Facility and are now preparing to defend the Carrack from the attackers.
STAGE 2: All-In
The attackers must take control of the bridge of the Carrack
The defenders need to defend the Carrack until the timer runs out and all attackers are killed
Both teams will bring ICU capable ships and set up a base 3km away from the Carrack.
If Stage 1 ends with Outcome 2 the defenders can set up in the Carrack before the timer starts.
The time limit is 40 minutes and after that the side who kills all hostiles or holds the bridge for 5 minutes wins.
Both sides have unlimited respawns until the 40-minute timer is over
A Pisces can be used as a drop-ship for both sides and ground vehicles are allowed
No ship combat during Stage 2.
Upcoming Events
- Fri, Mar 07
- Sat, Mar 08
- Sun, Apr 06